Saturday, 11 May 2013

#INPROGRESS - Far Cry 3 - Badass Bow Hunter

So I thought I was badass with a bow when playing Tomb Raider. I'm even MORE badass in Far Cry 3. The Recurve bow is amazing. Just read up on Wiki about what it means to be a recurve bow, it's basically just the shape, how the ends are curled towards the archer and gives him/her a better advantage. Of course because of that, the bow will often be made of composite materials to be able to withstand the stress of the pull of the string due to its shape.

Does that make sense? It took me awhile to digest. 

Anyway, in-game progress is that I took on one of the side quests and that was to hunt down 4 leopards with only a bow.  I also took down a rare black panther with the bow. Prior to this, was never successful with the wild creates since I always somehow just ended up getting killed. But since then, I've learnt the art of running like mad when I hit the animal and its just about trying to register my location. So my chances of survival and not dying a horrible mauled death pretty much increased.

Yay me!

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