Wednesday, 28 August 2013

#INGAME - Alice: Madness Returns - Stupid Colossal Ruin

I actually had a video to accompany this post but I was too smart in cleaning up my phone and thus, the video is gone. In it though, you can see me trying to defeat this ugly tar-like monstrosity and it's little spawnlings. I've been playing that stage non-stop to the point where it gave me a tension headache. I won't deny that several swear words that would otherwise have my mother whack me on the head were let loose as well.

Never had much problem on other levels and usually I'm able to beat the crap out of this bitch. BUT for some reason, I can't. Even dodging and fleeing and shrinking and everything else. This stupid black blob manages to pwn me and laugh in my face.

I don't like it. Not one bit. I hate it. And I will soon pulverise the undead shit out of it. If that were possible. Actually, I don't even know if it is an undead. It just looks like a black blob of tar and poop.

Argh. I take some comfort that I am no alone in this and that numerous searches on Google for "how to defeat the colossal piece of ruin shit in Alice" has led me to several unfortunate gamers who too have difficulty in getting past this... idiot. I'm so flustered and exasperated that I can't even come up with something vile to describe this... piece of crap.

So at least I've gone back to gaming and I've gone past a couple of levels. I liked the Japanese/Chinese-centric level although the side-scrolling bit gave me a headache for some time. Went to Queenland and it was ok. Gigantic spinning wasps... not so funny and nice. Then again, when are wasps ever that nice. Stuck at the Dollhouse where I am stuck at that godforsaken stage to defeat that piece of crap. And I can't even avoid it. I even tried it on Easy mode (that was just how desperate I was to get over it).

To no avail.

Oh well. Waiting for a couple of hours before my cold dies down (hopefully) and I can muster up some courage and promises not to over-swear and get on with the program.

If anyone has got really helpful and valuable tips on getting past this ugly and pain in the ass-ish monstrosity, please do. Please help. Or I may have to shelve A:MR for Farcry 3.

On hindsight, that might not be such a bad thing.

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