Tuesday, 12 November 2013

#POKERFACE - Freeroll Tournament

I haven't been on Stars in awhile. Or that I have but lose interest. Mainly because it's been turning into a donk fest and everyone shoves with garbage hands. AA gets cracked by 10 6 offsuit. A high is beaten by an idiot who plays with 7 2 and hits a bottom pair.

So yeah. The game has been tilting me and making me re-evaluate how I play the game. Or rather, make me question if I even know how to play the game. 

Today I decided to take a break from DoTA 2 and the PS3 and play the well-known donk fest on Stars that's the $100k Privilege Freeroll. I was sitting out for awhile because cleanliness is next to godliness and my workstation was a mess. Came back and saw I was still alive (thought I'd been blinded dry) and sat back in. With just about 1k left, figured why not try my luck and shove. After all, I'd given up on ever cashing out or even lasting more than a few hands.

There will always be a Russian at the table and they'll always be the aggressive shovers. More often than not, it's with garbage and from past experience, they somehow get there with garbage. Decided that I should play their game and be a jerk. The following two BOOM! replays are against the same guy. 

After this, I think he was pissed and wanted revenge. So ok, let's try it again. He must have thought I was such a donk to be calling with garbage hands. This time, I had a legit hand. Usually, AK gets cracked, from several painful past experiences. This time, maybe Stars wanted payback on this jerk.

By the time he was playing his next few hands, which wasn't against me, he was realllllly on tilt. He kept shoving and shoving and then finally busted out. Hurrr. Right now I'm still in the tourney, not too sure if I'll last long, but we'll see if I can at least survive till the players wind down to 1,000k players or so. Total number of entrants is 12,460. I think I can chill for awhile and read kotaku.

Just another memorable hand for me before I log off. My past self would probably chicken out after I've seen the flop but somehow, I managed to grow metaphorical dinosaur balls and see this hand through. Fortunately, I was rewarded. On hindsight, maybe I should have played it as if I had the A. Would have made the other K6 think.

Never used to have the balls for this kind of flop.

UPDATE! 3hrs and 41mins later.

I'm still alive and we're down to 69 players. Had help and a lot of encouragement and advice from the boyfriend to go for this hand.

I rarely play with a small pocket pair. Unless I'm on tilt.

I was top 20 for awhile with 450k in chips but lost a big hand and down to about 100k. That's ok. At least I'm in the money (or ITM as they call it) and if I bust out now, I'll cash out $2. Not bad considering that I profit about $1+ as I paid $0.30 for an add-on.

Ok back up to 300k. Have to thank my boyfriend really for teaching me how to read the opponents, to not be afraid and have faith in my cards and to make the calls.

Love you baby!

FINAL UPDATE! 4hrs and 15mins later.

I'm finally out! Just happy to get it over and done with because (a) I was hungry (b) I can't multi-task that well (c) my bum was getting sore. But hey! I cashed out more than I envisioned myself to and I lasted longer than I normally would. It's given me just a little bit more confidence in the game but then, we'll see what happens at the next freeroll. In the meantime, happy little victory dance for me and I can finally finish up my dinner and watch my anime while I'm at it.

Gosh, I'm such a nerd.

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