Friday, 22 November 2013


So, while on the topic of music, thought I'd revisit a couple of bands that I listened to whilst growing up. I know Weezer isn't nerd rock, but I always thought them as so. At the point of time when my mates were all listening to Britney Spears and other random boybands (911, Code Red, Five, etc), I was listening to Rivers and his band do their thang.

Weezer was always one of my key music influences when I started my band (no, you will never know its name). We even covered Hash Pipe.

Weezer covering Foster The People's Pumped Up Kicks

Weezer covering Radiohead's Paranoid Android

This could be a hit or miss depending on the people. I know Rivers Cuomo can't hit the high notes but he made an effort and I guess, sorta added his own flavour and twang to it. The band did a really good job. Maybe, some argue, that they should make it more of their own than just really trying to copy the original. But the thing is, Paranoid Android is not an easy song to cover, let alone master, and I do believe it's more of paying tribute and acknowledging another great band in the industry.

But let's just end this off with my favourite song out of everything I listen to from Weezer.

Island in the Sun. Because it makes me happy and warm and sunny each time :)

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