Well, 2014 does require a couple of new changes. One of them being the blog's overall look. Frankly, ever since Blogger was bought over by Google and with it the change in its layouts and the implementation of HTML5, I've been rather lost. I used to be so familiar with creating layouts for Blogger/Blogspot, it was second nature and I knew the codes by heart.
But when HTML5 appeared and then the engine for the layouts changed, it gave me a terrible headache. I stayed away from ever attempting because the codes just seemed so intimidating and scary. In the end, I just kept cycling through the different generic layouts that were available. Deep down inside though, I had always yearned to overcome that obstacle and create a layout that was mine and mine alone.
I scoured the internet and came across a resource that had been immensely helpful in bringing about this layout. True, it is simple, but it's definitely a start. There were a lot of modifications and tweaks that I had to make and I know that I still have a long way to go before I can consider myself mastering the art of designing layouts for Blogger.
Still, there's always a first for everything.
Maybe in time I'll be able to come up with something far more colourful, complex and uniquely me. Baby steps. Baby steps.
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